Monday, December 31, 2007

Dear Trinity Vineyard musicians,

The Hymns album is so great.

Dear Cameron (because somehow you're always the first the read and respond to this blog),
'Tis So Sweet gets stuck in my head all the time. Maybe more than I'd like. Joke. I need more!

And in case a Reardon ever reads this... Jen... Go To Dark Gethsemane... you're such a beautiful lady.

Saturday afternoon Kyle and I (mostly Kyle) recorded the instruments for the Ingrid Michealson song "The Way I Am" for my little sister. She will be singing it in a beauty pageant at the end of this month. I can't wait to see it.
Does anyone want to go see her in the Miss Starr's Mill competition with me? I just know that you've been dying to get your glitter fix.

What a talented community.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Christmas.

I became a Christian when I was 14 -almost 15- years old. Since then, I've had nice thoughts about how we should take care of the planet.

You know, pretending to be environmentally aware isn't nearly as fun as actually walking out the simple steps that everyone can take to care for our brothers and sisters across the globe. It seems so beyond us, but the reality that we can make such subtle differences in our environment has really been transforming me into an optimistic person.

I'm reading this book called, "Serve God, Save the Planet". You probably should, too.

Early this morning, between snooze buttons, I had a pleasant mini-dream.
I was married to someone that I respect.
We planted a tree in the backyard.
As unrealistic as it may have been, it was nice to finally have a dream that didn't end in violence.

Dear Klaus,
Even though you knocked over the Christmas tree, breaking about a dozen ornaments, you have been especially cute lately. Thanks for being nice to my friends. Your ears smell funny, but your fur is so soft that I could cry. I'm really glad that your tiny head is propped up on my arm, but I have to go to the bathroom... so stop being so adorable.
Love forever,

Thursday, December 13, 2007

does this make me a bad person? spoiler alert... this may ruin The Bible for you.

I fell asleep at like 9:30, and woke back up around 2:30.
All of that to say, I have a bunch of energy and nothing to really do with it at this hour.
So... I'm watching Passion of the Christ... which I've been avoiding since its release. But here I am.

We haven't left the garden of Gethsemane yet, but I mean... I'm already... you know... eh?
This is my critique as a card-carrying Christian. Because I know you care.

First four things that come to mind. Here we go:
1. Who decided to put a bunch of musical theater majors in front of a camera? Tone it down on the drama, guys.
2. I'm quite positive that they filmed the slow-motion parts by actually acting in slow-motion.
3. Lucifer is the creeeeeeeepiest drag queen ever.
4. Who authorized the plucking of Mary Magdalene's eyebrows?

I just read on wikipedia that this movie has the highest grossing soundtrack in the history of all soundtracks.
I'm imagining that some people feel closer to God when they play it over the church loud speakers...?
Or when they tote their Passion of the Christ Bibles in their knitted Bible bags.
I'm actually really curious to find out if those Bibles have the actual scriptures written inside... or the scriptures according to Mel Gibson.

I don't know. Something about all of that is just unsettling to me.

Sarcasm aside:
Judas is doing pretty well as an actor. I feel his guilt. Chapped lips and all. You can actually see a giant cavity in the back of his mouth right before he takes the plunge. That's more like it.
And Pilate is off the chain. He is the only one who doesn't stop every 5 syllables to read the prompt screen.
I had to shrink the screen when the violence would start up. It's helpful to not romanticize Christ's experiences (especially with His death) the way that we so culturally do in America.

All in all, it wasn't a cinematic masterpiece for me.

However, I am thankful for the opportunity to reflect on my Lord.
I was able to experience a lot of truth in the last 2 hours.
I just wish it hadn't been coupled with straight teeth and italian contessas.

I think my eyeballs are going to explode.

Monday, December 10, 2007

you know...

I really like the feeling of being hungry. I have a comfortable life, and I don't take the opportunity to feel that sensation very often.

It reminds me of all the things I've read or heard about the way we Americans eat. If we're not full, we'll eat.
I mean, that's cool and all... but being hungry won't kill you. I mean... it can... but if you're like me, then it won't.

I haven't always felt this way. Growing up, at least 6 people very close to me suffered from "if-i-can't-see-my-rib-cage-boys-won't-validate-my-existence-disease".
Then I acquired a step-family and learned that there is also an "all-body-mass=fat-maybe-i-could-score-some-pity-action-disease".

So, I've always been a bit of an over-eater. Maybe just to prove that looking good is cool... but tasting good is better.

But a late-night grumbling tummy is a happy tummy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The other day I checked my mailbox before I went off to nannying.

I can be pretty single minded, and so when I got to the end of my sidewalk I didn't think twice about vocalizing my thoughts.

I opened the box to find a blockbuster movie (like Netflix) waiting for me. I hadn't checked my que, so I had no idea what it was.

In my most neurotic voice I exclaimed, "oh! What is it? I'm so excited!!!!!!!"

When I turned around my neighbor was walking his dogs behind me.

Kind of like the time I got frustrated with my printer and took it out on Tyra Banks. Screaming, (paraphrased) "Freaking Tyra! You think that you're so much smarter than me!"
Then realizing that my room mate was sleeping in the room next to where my printer is set up... also realizing that my mind makes the strangest connections... and that I watch waaaaaaay too much ANTM and Tyra Show.

When I'm studying abroad this summer and fall I assume that this is how everyone will remember me.
At least I hope so.